

I'm watching men's beach volleyball right now. Gibb/Rosenthal from the USA against Asahi/Shiratori from Japan. All I can say is…so many beautiful, talented men in one place. Be still my beating heart.

On Writing

I found this entry that I wrote on one of my now defunct blogs over 4 years ago and decided to repost it here. ----------------- A Box Full of Memories I found myself walking down memory lane yesterday thanks to a big Rubbermaid container filled with notebooks of things I'd written in the past. About 21 years ago, I started writing stories that coincided with the role-playing game I was running each weekend. I guess I thought that I'd sit down one day and turn it all into another Dragonlance series. (Weiss and Hickman) Below is a brief example of something I wrote up at that time. It's a rough draft and the writing is quite laughable. I hope I've improved with age. :) *~*~*~*~* "Are you intending to sleep the entire day away while I STARVE?!!?!!" came a high pitched, glass shattering voice. The six adventurers jumped from their beds, weapons readied in their hands. They paused upon seeing the foot and a half long faerie dragon sitting on top of a small table i...

Wii, Webpage update

I spent a couple of hours this morning updating my webpage. Added some links to other sites I frequent. I had to use Firefox again because IE keeps needing to shut down because of run time errors. What's up with that?? I've used IE for 10 years and like it a lot. Firefox is great too. I'm just not used to it yet. Having both browsers open is kind of cool. On the healthier eating/exercising front: I started keeping track of what I eat and realize I'm sticking to around 1500 calories a day. I've lost 14 pounds so far. I attribute that to moving around more while cutting out all the junk food. For example, this week I managed a 45 minute walk every morning, and a 30 minute workout on Wii Fit in the afternoon. A couple of nights this week the hubby and I were on our feet playing other games on the Wii too. We rented Wii Ski from Blockbuster and love it. What a blast. You get to ski, AND bump into things, (ouch lol). Your can import your Mii, have them talk to people ...

Way too hot

MY DECK It's TOO hot to do anything today. So I think I'll make some lemonade to sip while I laze around on my deck with the dogs underfoot. Today might be a good time to start making my way through all the "to read" books piled up on my desk. Up next is: Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton. I've heard a lot about Anita Blake, her vampire hunter and think it's time I find out what all the hubbub is about. Does anyone watch "Wipeout," or "I Survived a Japanese Game?" Both are on tonight and both are hysterical.


The final 10 episodes of, Avatar: The Last Airbender air this week on Nickelodeon. Check your local listings for the time. Last night's episode was great. But then again, the entire Avatar series has been great so far. I can't wait to see the remaining episodes.

Old characters never die

I haven't played tabletop dungeons and dragons or done any play by posts in quite some time, but the characters involved in those endeavors remain alive. We simply use them in other ways, like as avatars for the Wii game system for example. :D Below are my characters of Azzy and Marz. They are followed by my husband's characters of Erlic and Corum. I guess this proves that certain characters we breathed live into will remain in our minds and hearts forever.          

New camera

I now have a new Sony Cybershot W-120 camera that I intend to carry with me at all times. (it's small enough to stuff in my purse) Maybe I'll start posting more pictures. Whoot! Bet y'all can't wait. LOL Anyhoo, I think I'll start off with a shot of the path through my neighborhood that I walk down every morning when weather permits. I usually meet my friend, Rosa at the local restaurant. It's only a 13 minute walk from my house but I don't take a direct path. Instead I walk down this block and that block until I've pounded the pavement for about 30 minutes. The coffee and oatmeal taste extra special after that nice, long walk. :D Oh, I thought I'd mention that I downloaded Firefox and have been trying it for the last 2 days because I'm tired of IE having to shut down on me because of some stupid run time errors. So far I'm liking Firefox very much. *nods*