No pain, no gain
Whoa, I forgot how hard exercising could be, especially when your body hasn't done much moving in a while. I just finished doing a 15 minute aerobic routine following Gilad on Fit TV. Then I lifted 5 pound hand weights, doing 2 sets of 8 reps for biceps, triceps, back, and chest. Whew. That doesn't really sound like a lot, but it's a lot for me right now. *wipes brow* I'm trying to establish a routine of doing some form of exercise every day for at least 20 minutes. So far, so good. Getting my body to move will be much easier when the weather warms up because I love to walk and plan on doing a lot of it this year. We watched "New Amsterdam," last night. I'm not sure what to say about it except that I thought it was so, so. I didn't think there was anything spectacular about it, but I plan on watching it again. On American Idol: I thought the worst performances were by Luke Menard and Danny Noriega. I'd kind of hate to see Danny go though because h...