I found this entry that I wrote on one of my now defunct blogs over 4 years ago and decided to repost it here. ----------------- A Box Full of Memories I found myself walking down memory lane yesterday thanks to a big Rubbermaid container filled with notebooks of things I'd written in the past. About 21 years ago, I started writing stories that coincided with the role-playing game I was running each weekend. I guess I thought that I'd sit down one day and turn it all into another Dragonlance series. (Weiss and Hickman) Below is a brief example of something I wrote up at that time. It's a rough draft and the writing is quite laughable. I hope I've improved with age. :) *~*~*~*~* "Are you intending to sleep the entire day away while I STARVE?!!?!!" came a high pitched, glass shattering voice. The six adventurers jumped from their beds, weapons readied in their hands. They paused upon seeing the foot and a half long faerie dragon sitting on top of a small table i...