This and that
Hot, hot, hot! It's way too hot here so I'm cooped up in the air-conditioned house instead of roaming around outdoors. Sheesh, I couldn't wait for summer because I wanted to get out and walk more but I never expected this degree of heat to hit us so soon. I have to wonder what it's going to be like around here in July and August. *sweatdrop*
Okay, so I still don't know what the hell I want to do with myself. I really miss the collaborative writing I used to do in the past before my message board changed into a fast paced role-playing board and would like to get back into it again. But there's still a part of me that wants to take a break from writing and all the plot thinking and character creation that goes with it. And although I'd like to get in a lot more drawing practice at this time, my eyes are bothering me so I think that's going to have to wait until the end of the month when I see the eye doc and probably get new glasses. *sigh*
I did start working on a new message board though, over at Yuku. At first I couldn't figure out how to set the forums up then slowly but surely I figured it out. I like it much better than the forums I started working on at the Activeboard site. Now I'm happy. At least it'll give me something to mess around with until I get out of this funk I seem to be in.
Tomorrow we're going over to my daughter's house to celebrate my grandson's graduation from kindergarten. Whoot! I still can't believe he'll be starting 1st grade in August.
The hubby is out cutting grass now. When he finishes we're off to the mall for a bit. Later it's pizza and anime time. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Okay, so I still don't know what the hell I want to do with myself. I really miss the collaborative writing I used to do in the past before my message board changed into a fast paced role-playing board and would like to get back into it again. But there's still a part of me that wants to take a break from writing and all the plot thinking and character creation that goes with it. And although I'd like to get in a lot more drawing practice at this time, my eyes are bothering me so I think that's going to have to wait until the end of the month when I see the eye doc and probably get new glasses. *sigh*
I did start working on a new message board though, over at Yuku. At first I couldn't figure out how to set the forums up then slowly but surely I figured it out. I like it much better than the forums I started working on at the Activeboard site. Now I'm happy. At least it'll give me something to mess around with until I get out of this funk I seem to be in.
Tomorrow we're going over to my daughter's house to celebrate my grandson's graduation from kindergarten. Whoot! I still can't believe he'll be starting 1st grade in August.
The hubby is out cutting grass now. When he finishes we're off to the mall for a bit. Later it's pizza and anime time. I hope everyone has a great weekend!