Lazy week

I've been pretty lazy all week thanks to a cold. I felt nervous all day yesterday because I had to take my dog (Misty) to the vet to have a few teeth pulled. She's a real mama's girl and the skittish type so it's always hard for me when I have to leave her at the vet for several hours. Today she's doing much better and so am I. :D

I'm trying to avoid my computer room more often because once I sit down and get involved in lurking and whatever, too many hours pass and I get nothing least nothing I find worthwhile. And I'm not happy unless I'm doing something productive.

Today I have to catch up on the housework I've been neglecting all week. Then I hope to get a little drawing practice in. I might even spend some time in the backyard with the dogs since we're supposed to reach the mid 60s today. There won't be too many more nice days so I might as well take advantage of the ones we get.

I just watched the trailer for season 7 of 24. Now I can't wait for the 2 hour premier in January. I'm such an action junkie. :p


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